Join Campus Antiwar Movement to End the Occupations {CAMEO}
on the 4th of July
on the 4th of July
On Wednesday, July 4 @ Zilker Park Peace Grove
5:30 pm until dusk
This Independence Day, CAMEO will be at the Zilker Park Peace Grove calling for real independence: Independence for the occupied countries of Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan, and Independence from the broken two parties of America who continue to wage war in the Middle East.
During the bombing campaigns of Iraq and Afghanistan, the US government promised it was bringing peace and democracy. American bombs and military bases have brought only more violence to these occupied countries. More Americans oppose the war in Iraq than ever before, and yet our elected officials refuse to implement concrete steps to end the occupation.
On this patriotic holiday, join CAMEO in expressing the sentiments of the majority of Americans: End the War in Iraq! Bring the Troops Home!
The picnic will feature speakers from the community, interactive displays for children, food and refreshments, and information tables from antiwar groups. Please contact us if you would like to speak or table.
Food provided by Dewberry Farm, Phoenicia Bakery, and Wheatsville Co-op.
*** The Peace Grove is on the left just after the entrance to the Zilker Park Soccer Fields on Barton Springs Road; look for posted in signs.***